
Janine K@ 1:37pm 12-16-2014
Hi Dianne, Well, I just finished False Advertising which is the last of your books I had left to read, and I must admit I'm a little sad because there isn't another book of yours left to read.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book, the characters were so real to me and I feel like I've left my friends behind. You could relate to the predicaments that each of them got themselves into and I love the detail you take to tell the reader about each character in your books so you understand their perspective and role within the story.

I know Liane has had her books optioned for the movies, but I really think this one would be so fantastic and a really funny romantic comedy, there aren't many of them out there on the big screen.

Keep on doing what you do so well Diane and I so look forward to your next book - maybe next year???

Cheers Janine
ms gillian p symonds@ 12:40pm 03-18-2014
Hello Dianne, my daughter gave me an ereader (I think thats what it's called) for my 70th birthday . The first 2 books read were THE BEST MAN and THE GOOD WIFE ... loved them so much have now purchased on KOBO 4 more of your books . i'm an avid reader of about 2 books a week so never thought I would enjoy this new type of reading but I love it . Still enjoy all books though. Thankyou Dianne and look forward to more of your excellent stories. Gillian
Replied on: 2:36pm 04-10-2014

Hello Gillian

I’m so sorry it’s taken a while to reply! I’m usually a little more prompt, but I’ve been working very hard on my latest novel, which is almost ready to send to my publisher. I’m afraid I become a little single-minded, and correspondence goes by the wayside.

But I did appreciate your message on my guestbook. Good on your daughter for buying you the ereader (yes, that’s what they’re called). I’ll always love paper books too, but what I do love about ebooks is just what you said here - after you enjoyed my books, you only had to press a couple of buttons to order more. I love that immediacy. And my books will never go out of e-print!

I hope you are enjoying the others as well. And happy 70th!

All best

Beryl@ 11:13am 12-15-2013
Dianne Hi, am just reading your books for the second time and thoroughly enjoying them again. Can't wait to get my hands on your new book. Great work. And Australian!!! Thank you. Beryl
Replied on: 5:15pm 01-24-2014

Hi Beryl

A very late response, I’m afraid! But no reflection on my appreciation of your comment. I’m always very chuffed to hear that my books are being re-read, that’s such a thrill for an author!

Thank you for telling me, and I hope you enjoy my latest offering, The Best Man.

Dianne X

Natalie@ 6:31pm 11-24-2013
Hi Dianne,

I've just finished reading Call Waiting and The Secret Ingredient, and I just wanted to thank you for writing such wonderful stories. I particularly love your attention to detail when describing the characters' day to day lives and the Australian locations. I live in the Illawarra and its great to read about familiar places I also loved the way you slowly develop the relationships between the different characters in each book, it feels so much more realistic (and satisfying) than those in many other romance novels. Thanks again, and I look forward to reading your new novel!

Replied on: 4:21pm 12-02-2013

Hi Natalie

Thanks for your lovely message! I’m so pleased you enjoyed my books - both my very first (Call Waiting), and my second to last (Secret Ingredient). It is very rewarding to think that my early titles are holding their own!

I really appreciate you going to the trouble to write such detail about what you enjoyed, that means a lot. I used to live in the Illawarra too - that’s probably why you found so many familiar places!

Thanks again

Nadine Wiltshire@ 12:24pm 11-24-2013
Just finished reading your article 'home alone' in the Sunday Life magazine. Good for you and well done! Excellent read and I identified with it so much that it has actually motivated me to look you up to comment! Two very positive things here. One, although I have iPad, desktop, smart phone, huge amount of technology at my finger tips, my first thought was still to put pen to paper to let the writer know the impact of the article, (which would never happen ...) So I have actually just googled you and voila ! Two, I also am single and have happily raised my three to young adulthood after their dad died. And have moved to the inner west and loving it! Haven't quite got the social scene together just for me as yet but I'm working towards it. Really wanted to comment on the endless stream of (well meaning) friends who constantly enquire if I've got a man yet? I love them dearly but really what does it say about feminism, independence, individuals, if I cannot possibly be happy without a man?! Let alone about how well (or otherwise) I have managed to bring up my guys on my own. Same as you, I wouldn't say no to a relationship and it will happen if its going to. However it would be nice for people not to judge me as somehow lacking without a partner ... as you have shown, the perception is not quite in touch with the reality of life today. Thanks
Replied on: 4:12pm 12-02-2013

Thanks so much for your email. I had an incredibly positive response to the article (which you can find here - - it has been heartening to see how many people feel this way, but just haven’t been given a voice to say it. Unfortunately, when we do speak up, it often sounds like ‘methinks she protests too much’, or else partnered people take it as some kind of slight against them to suggest that being single is fine. So we shut up and put up with it.

Anyhow, of course I agree with everything you say! And looks like we have had a very similar trajectory - I had four sons, and recently moved to the inner west as well! Though I have to say, coping and carrying on after loss like you have experienced is on a whole other level, and I’m amazed that people still felt entitled to tell you what was best for you.

I do wish you all the best in this new phase of your life, and I will be one say it - congratulations on successfully raising your family all on your own!

All best

Jill Freeman@ 9:55am 05-04-2013
Having read all your books, I am waiting patiently for the next one, I enjoyed them so much I now have all my friends reading them as well. Keep up the good work.
Replied on: 4:55pm 08-03-2013

Hi Jill

I hope you are patient - because you've had to wait a long time for this reply! But you won't have to wait much longer for my new book - you should be able to find it on the shelves by the end of the month. It's called THE BEST MAN - I hope you enjoy it as much as the others!

And thank you SO much for passing the word along to your friends. Word of mouth is the best publicity of all, and I really appreciate it.


Patricia Bartha@ 5:50pm 03-16-2013
Dear Dianne
I have read all your books and have thoroughly enjoyed them. When I buy your books I buy an extra copy and send it to my pen-pal Bettina in Italy. Bettina also enjoys reading your books. I am really looking forward to your next novel. I am an avid reader. Best wishes for 2013 and keep writing those books. Have you ever thought about making movies from your books? From Patricia xx
Replied on: 4:50pm 08-03-2013

Dear Patricia

Thanks so much for your message - you've probably forgotten, it's taken me so long to respond! I do apologise. But I have a good excuse - I have been working nonstop the last few months to finish my new book - in fact, I'm expecting it back from the printers any day now, and it will be on the shelves by the end of the month! It's called THE BEST MAN, and you can find out more about it, and even read a sample on my website

I really appreciate you taking the time to write, and I'm thrilled that you buy an extra copy to send to Italy! How exciting to think my book is being read on foreign shores. Of course I'd love to have any of my books made into movies, but I'm afraid it's not up to me I have had a few nibbles from producers, but nothing has ever come of it, unfortunately. Who knows, maybe one day ...

Thanks again, and say hi to Bettina!
All best

Jody Nestor@ 10:23am 02-26-2013
As new reader of your books , I have read 4 of your books in the last week. Thank you for your wonderful books and I cant wait to read more.
Replied on: 4:33pm 08-03-2013

It's always lovely to have a new reader! Thanks so much for taking the trouble to leave a note.
All best

terri @ 5:17pm 01-13-2013
Hello Dianne,
I have just finished reading Call waiting for the 3rd time. I love and enjoyed it just as much this time as the last 2 times I have read it . I have a kindle these days but just craved to touch a book the other day and Call waiting was it. I admire your books very much and have them all I think? I am going to check up on that because I did not regonise one title which I may have missed but if so I will fix that up very soon. Thanks again for your wonderful books I look at them sitting on my shelf and know that when I need to they are there for me get lost in again. I love books I can read over again without feeling like I am spinning my wheels. I hope to be able to read your work well into my furture. All the best for 2013 I look forward reading your next book.
Replied on: 6:31pm 02-24-2013

Hi Terri

What a wonderful message! And what a tardy reply from me! I hope you will forgive me, but I have been absolutely flat out, working 12-14 hour days, 7days a week, to finish and edit my next book. But when I get messages like yours, it keeps me going. So although I didn't have time to respond right then, I really appreciated it!

It's a particular thrill to think people are re-reading my books, because that means they relate to the characters perhaps as much as I do, and enjoy going back to visit them! That makes me feel very proud

Thank you so much for writing to tell me, it's readers like you who keep me writing. And that's why I will have another book out this Spring. It's called The Best Man, and I can't wait for you to read it!


Amanda@ 12:08pm 01-13-2013
Hi Dianne,
I am a primary school teacher and very rarely find time to pick up a novel and get lost in it! It has been 4 years since I've taken the time to purchase a book and read. On my recent trip to Bali I decided to take up time to read your novel 'False Advertising'. Well wasn't I in for a surprise! I could NOT put it down! After 3 days & nights being glued to the pages of your enticing story I was done! I want to thank you for igniting the passion for reading once again in me. I fell in love with the characters and the storyline, I became obsessed with finding out what you eventuate that I would spend hours flicking through the pages. When I get back home I will be onto my next novel of yours. Thank you for creating such real life, emotional and enjoyable reads! I look forward to the next one!
Replied on: 6:19pm 02-24-2013

Dear Amanda

Thank you so much for your terrific message - and sorry that it's taken a while to get back to you, I've been busy writing!

I'm so glad False Advertising went with you on your holidays, and that you enjoyed it so much. And I couldn't be more thrilled that it got you reading again - that is hugely rewarding for an author to hear! Thank you for letting me know that, it means a lot, I assure you.

I hope you enjoy some of my other books if you get the chance, so lovely to hear from you!


Nim Gholkar@ 11:26pm 01-10-2013
Hi Dianne,
Wishing you a very happy 2013. I have always enjoyed reading all your books, and have read a couple of them all over again. No visit to the library is complete without first ensuring that I have not missed one of your books. Looking forward to the next one. Thanks for some lovely reading.
Best wishes, Nim
Marama@ 6:56pm 11-22-2012
Hi Dianne,
I was lucky enough to have a passionate romance librarian in Thirroul library recommend your books to me. I just love your writing style. The way you hook the reader in with your in depth characterisations and the rawness of your characters and the situations they find themselves in kept me reading into the small hours. I would love to know how you started your writing career, whether you did a writing course or just sat down one day and decided to write a book. I apologise if that information is available somewhere, I am not sure where to look, so thought I would just come out and ask you directly. I held secret dreams of writing myself, however after absorbing three of your books so far (will be going back for more) I am feeling somewhat intimidated! I never expected to find such a deep exploration of the inner workings of the human psyche as what I have found in your characters - each of them definitely take on a life of their own. I look forward to working my way through the rest of your books. Thank you.
Replied on: 6:06pm 02-24-2013

Dear Marama

I hope you will forgive me for the huge delay in replying to you, but your message arrived the same week as my editorial report for my latest novel - and it had quite a tight deadline attached! So I had my head down right up until Christmas, gave myself a few days off, and was back into it throughout January, every day, and till all hours at night. It has been quite intensive, but also very exciting and rewarding. When writing is going well, it's the best fun you can have!

Thank you so much for your lovely message - it's so flattering! But I would hate to think you would be intimidated to write because of my books - I have always been inspired by the authors I love, if I tried to compare myself, I never would have written anything! Don't apologise for asking how I got started - basically, I have always enjoyed writing, but it was just a hobby for a very long time. Then a good friend suggested we try writing together, and after some false starts, we eventually went on to develop a manuscript over a decade! But the usual demands of life took over - babies and houses and work - and the book was shelved, unfinished. After a few years, I decided to pick it up again and finish it, and had such a positive response from friends that I decided to submit it to publishers. To my great surprise, Pan Macmillan contacted me to follow up, and they are still my publishers to this day!

So I didn't go to a formal writing class, but I believe all those afternoons spent writing and plotting and editing with my friend were like an apprenticeship. I would heartily recommend groups or classes to any one who is interested in writing. It's a lonely occupation, so the chance to have company and get feedback is well worth exploring.

Once again, I want to thank you for your extremely flattering words, I'm so thrilled you have enjoyed my books so much!

All best

Kathryn @ 11:16pm 10-29-2012
Hi Dianne,
I have just finished 'The Secret Ingredient' and I absolutely, whole-heartedly loved it! (Couldn't put it down! I finished it in 4 hours!) One of the things that struck me is how Australian the book is. It's nice to read something that is home-grown and subsequently resonates with me and my daily life.
Strange how even the mere mention of something as simple as TAFE training or the frustration of dealing with the RTA can help bring me closer to the characters.
Your fantastic use of Aussie humour was delightful and it honestly felt as if I were reading conversations that me and my friends might have ourselves!
I am now off to read some of your other books, because quite frankly I feel forlorn that I finished this book so quickly.
Thanks for an enjoyable few hours!
Replied on: 5:06pm 11-14-2012

Hi Kathryn

I'm so glad you loved the 'The Secret Ingredient' so much! And I know exactly what you mean about the commonplace mentions - I don't think there's as much cultural cringe anymore, Australians actually like to read about their own culture, which is great.

And I love that you felt the conversations were like the ones you have with your friends - you never know, they might have been, I have a habit of eavesdropping when I'm out and about Real people are so fascinating!

I'm very glad that you're forlorn, if you know what I mean ... hope some of my other books help make up for it.

Thanks so much for taking the trouble to write to me,

Deb Rose@ 8:57pm 10-23-2012
Hi Dianne, I have loved reading all of your books from the moment I open the first page!! I am just about to start reading 'The Right Time' and have read all of your other books. I am so happy to discover you have written another book after this one. Love the way you write because your stories are very believable and not over the top. Thank you so much Deb
Replied on: 4:42pm 11-14-2012

Hi Deb

I'm so glad you've enjoyed all my books, and that you still have another one to go! I'm just about to start editing my next, it's called The Best Man and it will be out around August next year, I hope. So you might have a bit of a wait after you finish The Secret Ingredient - depends on how fast a reader you are. In fact, I wish all my readers were a little slower, it would make it easier for me to keep up with them

Thanks for getting in touch, I really appreciate it.

Cathy@ 11:37am 10-22-2012
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading The Right Time & Three's A Crowd. Thank you for the journey of your characters through very real situations in locations that I know & love. Looking forward the reading the rest of your novels!
Replied on: 4:32pm 11-14-2012

Hi Cathy

Thanks so much! I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know you enjoyed my novels, and I hope you enjoy any of the others you come across.

All best

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